Thursday, May 26, 2011

MvM's World, Entry #6 - You Disappoint Me Flynn......

Been watching alot of movies lately. Call it out of sheer boredom I suppose, but over the last few days I have been watching movies over playing the PS3. Now there's a shocker!

So I finally decided to sit down and watch Tron. Both of them. I haven't seen the first one since I was little, and had to watch it first before I could watch legacy. My own little OCD hell I tell ya!.

So anyways, yeah the original Tron was actually alot of fun to watch. Sure, it was a cheesy movie, filled with horrid neon colors and special effects (big for the time though), but it had a really good story, and and a really good ending. Then I followed it up with Legacy. Ugh! Not so good......

I literally got half way through and stopped watching it. Maybe I was Tron-ed out? No, most likely it was due to the fact that the damn movie was so slow and just dragged. Seriously, there was cool action and special effects in the start of the film, then it just goes cold for awhile. I am sure if I had just kept on it, it might have gotten better, but I was just not interested anymore. So I stopped watching it halfway through, and then got online to read a very quick plot/story summary. I know how it ends now, and yeah I didn't miss much.

I hear they are going to make another movie too. Tron 3 if you will. I hope it is better than Tron Legacy.

Flynn? You disappoint me......

- MvM

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