Tuesday, May 31, 2011

MvM's World, Entry #7 - TroHo / Gaming Update

Man, I better get going on this or I will never hit my goal. What started off as a stellar year in beating and completing games, as well as earning trophies, I seem to have hit a stale period as of the last month or two.

March still holds as my best month netting me over 200+ trophies earned, as well as completing a dozen games. Now I seem to have fallen behind once again. And just when you think my GameFly subscription should be helping my troho score, I have actually made it worse for myself.

When you have a sub with GF, and you have it for 3 games at a time, the last thing you would think about is having to buy any games. But alas that is what I did anyways. Now my backlog is huge! (Does that sound dirty at all? lol)

To start off, I have to stop buying games that are in my GF queue. I had rented the Sly Cooper collection through them, and once I had beaten the first of the 3 games on the disc, I decided I loved the games so much I would just keep it. So I made my purchase with GF (Free Shipping FTW!), and got my case and manual sent to me, and it was done.

Then I made the dumb choice to upgrade. Lets face it, 2 games at a time was more than enough, did I really need 3? Probably not, and to make it worse, after upgrading, I kept buying!

 Next came the Tomb Raider collection, then I bought Mini Ninja's (another game that was on my Q), then saw Dante's Inferno at Walmart for cheap. Then I grabbed Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing for cheap at Gamestop. Not to mention I still have a copy of the God of War collection I borrowed a few moons ago from my boss at work.


Ok so on my own, I have at least 9 games to Plat and complete. So with that said, I am reducing my GF account to 1 at a time for now. Going to keep GF just to throw some randomness into the mix when I get tired of Action/Adventure/Platformer's. That seems to be the bulk of what I keep buying.

It also doesn't help that I finally finished modding my Wii, and now have a 1TB HDD attached to that bad boy with over 100 Wii games, plus emulators and a shit ton of Roms. But that's another story for another day.

Damn I am just overwhelmed with all the games I am trying to get through. Bit off more than I could chew? For sure. But rest assured, I am still shooting for my end of year goal..... 20 Plats, and 2000 overall Trophies. Only 6 Plats left to go, and....... around 750 overall trophies left to go? Yeah, I have my work cut out for me. I better get moving!

- Gamer42 (MvM)

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